About Our Team
The people that make it happen
Tim Holloran
President & Head of events and Membership My introduction to the enthusiast world was back in 2000. With the introduction of Superman: Ride of Steel at my home park, Six Flags New England. Soon thereafter, I found myself traveling to Cedar Point for the much anticipated Millennium Force! Let’s just say after experiencing Cedar Point I was hooked on finding that next thrill. Fastforward to today, and I am lucky enough to organize events for some pretty great members and friends. I strive to bring a smile to each persons face I interact with, providing an experience that brings us all together in this crazy hobby we all love. Feel free to say hello if you ever see me on The Midway!
William Supko
Resident Photographer I’m William supko and I’ve been a Coaster Crew member since 2012. My first event was at Hersheypark and I made so many great connections. Since then I’ve been working with the Coaster Crew as a staff photographer and social media assistant. In addition to working with the crew I am a rides supervisor at Hersheypark as well as working on various photo projects for my own photography company,
Matt & Gina Monroe
Residsent Bloggers & Content Creators Hi, we are Matt and Gina Monroe from Ohio. Matt’s love of roller coasters started in the mid 90s with a ride on The Beast, even though Gina spent a lot of time at Kings Island, she did not get into it until meeting Matt. One of our first dates was at Kings Island and our honeymoon was at Cedar Point. We joined the Coaster Crew in early 2014 and have made many friends and can be found at various events. Matt is a Software Quailty Assurance Manager and also enjoys watching sports and playing video games. Gina is a Asst. Manager at a distribution company, she enjoys hanging out with her friends and family. Gina also likes to do arts and crafts and playing many different types of games. You can find us regularly at Kings Island but we also frequent Dollywood and Cedar Point. We really like to visit parks during the different seasons as we enjoy waterparks, haunted attractions, and Christmas events. Feel free to stop by and say hi if you see us!!!Don't Be Shy. Join Today.
If you are interested in joining the Coaster Crew, send us an inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can!